President Mahinda Rajapakse was the special guest at the centenary commemoration ceremony of the founder of the Vidyodaya Piriwena Most Ven. Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala thero. Anunayaka of the Malwatte Chapter Most Ven. Niyangoda Vijithasiri thero presided over the ceremony conducted at the Pririwena in Maligawatte this afternoon. The President also declared opened the Ven. Akuretiye Amarawansa memorial three storied building complex at this occasion. He thereafter paid a floral tribute to the statue of the Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala Nayaka Thero. The Vidyoudaya Dharma Shashthreeya Vibhushana awards presentation has also taken place. Anunayaka of the Malwatte Chapter Most Ven. Niyangoda Vijithasiri thero and the Mahanayaka of the Amarapura Maha Sangha Sabha Most ven. Davuldena Sri Gnaneshwara Nayaka thera were felicitated with these awards. The president presented the Sri Sumangala Commemoration felicitation souvenir to the head of the Vidyodaya Piriwena Rajakeeya Panditha Ven. Balangoda Sri Sobhitha threo. The release of six out of the ten commemoration stamps and first day covers prepared on connection with the Sri Sambudda Jayanthi were also presented to the maha sangha also took place. Ven. Prof. Makuruppe Dhammananda thero has handed over the “The Vidyodaya Dharma Shasthriya Sangraha” volume to the President. Several other publications including the biography of Sri Sumangala Nayaka thero were also presented. Anunayaka of the Malwatte chapter most ven. Niyangoda Vijithasiri thero delivered a special anushasana.